The fiber coating layer is generally referred to as the separation between the fiber coating and the glass layer. The coating material of the common communication optical fiber is a polypropylene acid resin. There may be several cases of coating layer falling off the fiber glass layer:
A fiber quality, fiber coating peeling force need to be in the right range is too large, is not conducive to the use of the normal process of optical fiber coating peeling, too small to make fiber coating more easily because of accident wear off.
Two, the fiber optic cable and other subsequent processing of the fiber in the poor protection. This is mainly the control of process technology and process. Mature fiber into the cable and other subsequent processing technology, the process by the technical ability and strict standards to ensure. Relevant production processes have a production record can be traced back, once there is an accident problem can be checked in time, and then help to identify the problem.
Three, cable construction process may be a problem. For example, the cable connection is one of the important basic work in the construction process of the optical cable. In the process of optical cable connection, the fiber optic cable should be stripped and fused. Fusion process often use liquid to clean the fiber, such as alcohol, alcohol and other liquids if not carefully retained in the junction box, will slowly corrosion fiber coating, and eventually cause the coating to fall off. Therefore, it is recommended to use a high concentration of alcohol in the clean fiber, and pay attention to the use of the amount of alcohol in order to quickly volatile. In addition in the optical cable connection, we must pay attention to the surrounding environment and temperature, humidity. When the construction environment is bad, must be in the project car or the cover of the environment in the operation.
Four, optical fiber and any corrosive liquid or high concentration of gas contact, such as acetone, acid, alkali, etc..
In addition, bump, unreasonable fiber bending fiber will cause the coating off. Therefore, in accordance with the strict use of the method and standard construction is required.